Friday, January 6, 2012

Childhood Memories

I love looking through old pictures!:) Here are some of my favorite Memories that i found the other day!
Me & my dad did everything together!
This picture reminds me of Kyra..:D
Kindergarten Grad i got to be a present & SING!!!!! Favorite!
hehe...Dad took me everywhere...loved every minute!

My Great-Grndpa Merlin! We were the best of friends! He always would say "Bat your eyelashes for me Baby!!" :)
...Yea i thought I was going to be a Cheerleader :"))!

Hope you enjoyed this post! :-p
Love, Cassia


Emily Keating said...

awe so cute! especially the picture with your and you great grandpa :)

The Bundys said...

Those are so cute! The ones of you are your daddy are so precious! LOVE!:):)

Hanna said...

I can see the ♥

singingismything said...

Thanks you guys!!! You are all too sweet:) happy I could share my favorite memories with you!!:)

Jennifer Connell said...

Aww so cute! Love the bat your eyelashes line! Precious. :)