Saturday & Sunday we were very busy "hopers" (as Bro Joiner has nicknamed us:D)!

Saturday morning we woke up at an early hour and went to prayer!!! We had such an incredible move of God!!!!!!! You could feel the unity & power from the first moment we started! When we had a break, I saw this Mononite buggy! I thought it was so cute how they deliver their produce so I HAD to snap a picture!!
We also started our first classes!! The night before(Friday) some of us girls stayed up and talked about some things that really bothered us in our generation. We also talked about how we feel on certain topics. In out classes it seemed as though Bro Erskin & Bro King were reading our minds!
The teaching was phenomenal and really opened up our eyes!
That night we had the youth kickoff service and God moved TREMENDOUSLY!!! I love how they have an altar call before the preaching!:D they shout & dance & really give their all!!

Me, merriam, Angela and the girls during the day on Saturday!

MoreƩ, me, and Angela on break!

Sweet Darlina & Kendra!:)

Me, Darlina, Becky and Kendra at lunch!

I got my finger stuck in the fan:( beware....they are EVIL!!! Lol!

Yummy yummy yummy soup!! I love the food!!

Hillary with some of the girls!:)

Me and all my "hermanitas"!:) love them dearly!

Bro Spell preached an awesome message & he is such a anointed singer!

Me and a baby parrot named "Buddy"!

On Sunday we traveled a couple hours to a church to dedicate a service but my phone was dead so I didn't get pictures:( but we sat out side (because there were SO many visitors they dent have enough room!!) and then Gods spirit started moving we headed in to pray with the people!! It is so neat to see them worship with everything even when they may not have many materialistic things..we are so blessed!!
After a bit we headed back on the bus for a Sunday night service and here are a few from that night...

Hopers worshipping!!:)
So many thing have happened it is hard to share them all! But i Will that So many have been praying through and receiving the Holy Ghost!! After altar call God really started moving on our group and we had our own mini altar was life-changing! I really love how we are all growing so close and at the same time developing our walk with God! We have a purpose & I know it is being fulfilled!
Today we went to Lamonai! r was so cool! I will post more tomorrow!
Till then!
Love, Cassia
- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone