When it rains it pours; we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it. I choose the latter:)

Rain was chosen by God to "cleanse" the earth of wickedness in the great flood. I remember ever since I was a little girl being fearful of the lightening, thunder, loud gusts of wind, and torrents of rain! My parents would calm me by saying "Look God is cleaning up the world!" This was always comforting:)
Also one time an individual talked to me about how the rain could be Gods tears... God crying over this sinful world..and giving the world another chance to be renewed/refreshed. I thought this was a beautiful analogy!
A storm in life can be trial one is going through. God may be "cleansing" your life or things around you. You may not understand at the time why things are happening but that is where the beauty of it comes in! These "storms" teach us to lean on God more than we ever have and they can also make us stronger by building our Faith! Rejoice in the storms of life! Dont let it bring you down! Understand the value of Gods protection and He is with you every step of the way!!

Oh and Remember...
After ever storm comes a rainbow!:)
Just a little thought!:D
Happy Sunday!
Love, Cassia
- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone
1 comment:
Cassia I found your blog! It's so cute! All you need is a picture of me up there. ;) Haha Have fun in Belize, love you!!
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