Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fellowship Meeting in Kingsburg

Last night we attended a fellowship meeting in Kingsburg, CA! I really enjoyed being able to go spend some time with some of the girls and I cannot wait to see you all at Pacific Coast Camp!!:)

The preaching was phenomenal!! It was along the lines of never losing the revelation of the truth! We are saved only by the grace of God and we are nothing without His love. The minister also talked about how "God IS Love" and how we need to fall in love again with his truth. It was very thought provoking!

It also was good to see Lindsy(hope you are reading this :-p)!! She has the cutest site and you should check it out sometime! she made me some adorable hair stuff for my trip!(Thank you Lindsy!!:))

Oh yes, if you are planning to attend PCC, please check out my friends blog.. to participate in Mexico night!!!:)
See you there!!

Love, Cassia

- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone

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