Preaching the Word! Some of the older Marshallese don't understand English but they sure felt the power of God!!!!:)

Lady seeking the Holy Ghost!

They have only had this missions work for several years & have quite a full house!!

It was so beautiful to watch them worship!

I fell in love with this group of girls!! They love church & are ones that can speak English fluently!

Worship service Sunday morning! (I couldn't get the whole building in the picture. The boys & men mostly sat off to the right.)

Their music was soooo COOL!!! It sort of reminded me of hawaiian tunes mixed with Elvis? Haha! But it was so awesome to sing some of our same songs in their own language!

FABULOUS drummer! Omw they play so neat!

We also had a few baptisms & people praying through! It was amazing!

I tried to get all my buddies to take a picture after church:) (most of them their mothers/grandmothers make their outfits! So bright & colorful!)

"Likatu"! One word I learned!!:D it means "beautiful girl" I think!


Mom chillin!:))


Joel & Jacob Walter!!

A really near decoration Sis. Walter had in her house that the Marshallese make out of tiny shells!
The next day we went out on the lake with the Walters & their grandkids from OR(more in a future post!:D)!

Mom & Sis Walter getting ready to go!

Eek...rather frightening riding double on a jet skii!:-o but soooo much fun!!!

Great day on the lake!:)

The family all frazzled looking after a long but fun day!!:)
I loved visiting the Walters & getting to be apart of their church! I would encourage any young person that wants to do a missions trip but cannot afford to go out of the Country to visit here! It truly is a mission field!
Pray for
The Marshallese!
Love, Cassia
- Posted from iPhone
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