
We also went through Joplin to see the disaster that the tornado made...:( It was horrific & made me realize how much the town was torn apart...

This was so neat though! On the Side of one of the buildings we passed there was painted in big letters "I survived, Thank you Jeaus!" Most of this house was gutted out so it was amazing to know that they made it through & they gave the credit to God:) He is so mighty!

ALSO...I was SO happy to see my friend Rebecca & the youth from her church!:) I got to hear all about Heritage & we had some good talks! Love her!

Me & Laura!:) She is GORGEoUS & so incredibly sweet! She is also a "walking miracle" because she was also in that tornado in Joplin:-/

Me & Mariah (aka MC!:))

I love this picture I have no idea why lol

Hahahaha! Laura trying to do the same pose!

Muscle woman!:))

Sweet girl!! Kourtney!!

More friends!!

Me & the other Mariah!:)
Yea so this summer I really have had to break out of my comfort zone...I actually just randomly walked up to this table full of girls & introduced myself:D I'm so glad I did because they are awesome
Friends! They also commended me for my bravery haha! I can't wait till I get to go back!
Peace out yahlllll!:))
Love, Cassia
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