This weekend we visited & preached in Sierra vista, Arizona where my Father pastored many years ago! It is always so amazing to me to go back & see how the church is developing!
We had some INCREDIBLE services!! I really need to get a regular camera again so I can take pictures in the services & the quality will be better! Hmm...:)
On Saturday we went to visit with a elderly lady that attended the church when we were there! Her husband has passed away since but she is 91 & as lively as ever! I love visiting with elders because they have so much knowledge & so many interesting stories!

Mom & Sis. Cellars

She was so funny & sweet..I really didn't want to leave!
We then went out to eat with the O'bryans whom I love very much! They have been family friends for years & are doing such a great job with the church!!!
That night we had a Spanish service & then of course the services on Sunday! They have many seeking for the Holy Ghost & are very close to receiving it! Pray for Sierra Vista!!
I also was very happy to get to visit with my friend Amber O'bryan!:) We haven't got to see each other very often since she has gotten married....(ahem..Matt.. Haha! Jk!) but It was so much fun to get to see their beautiful new home!! I wish I would have gotten more pictures of the house! I am so proud of them & am so glad I got to go stay with them!:) thank you Matt & Amber for showing me all your "Guns" haha!!!

Being silly!

She cracks me up:D
Glad we got to catch up!! Love you guys!
Ok so I'm pretty excited because PEAK conference starts on Wednesday!! Today I am in El Paso, TX visiting family which is only 13 hours away from Tulsa!! The anticipation of seeing everyone is killin me!:);) lol
Post later! Love, Cassia
- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone