I have missed these girls so much & Happy we got to hang out!


Can anyone guess where this is at....??
Yes, Americas favorite, In-N-Out! Although I am a bias chik-fil-a lover..i really like the the flying Dutchman, animal fries..with no onions lol, & neopolitan shake!:D
Anyway...to explain the picture..this was the very first time I have EVER charged UNDER a dollar to my visa! LOL I could not find ANY change(66 cents to be exact) & really wanted more cheese..so yes...I broke down!:D "Moment in History!!

Visiting "Lombardos Gelato"! Yum! I spy Bri!:)

It's true men-folk..be kind..!! *stern face*

Hurry hurry before the light turns green!!

I woke up on this day to Brianna throwing my swim clothes at me saying "Hurry wake up let's go swimming!!" haha annnd I think we got a little too much sun!!

I spy me!! :)

Dust devil!! This is an Arizona Tornado!:-p

Did anyone support Cow Appreciation Day at Chik-Fil-a? Last Friday?!! (compliments of the rummage sale *yucko* lol)

The Moreys super cute puppies!!

Cali!:) sweet puppy..<3

Look how small they are compared to the couch!

The best snow cone EVER!! Tigers Blood flavor with coconut & cream on top!! Mmmm!!

Lilliana boyfriend!! In her own words he is "white, young, & strong" hahaha!

Oh and he is a cowboy because he has "horsepower"! Thanks for that Jordynn!

*ahem* here is Megan & Lily..
All of us girls got together at the Moreys house for a Girls swim party but as we were swimming a big storm swept in so we had to get out!:( We all were sitting around & a few young ladies I won't mention *cough cough* got the brilliant idea of getting dressed "up" & going to eat!:-))

Yours truly & Meg
Lovely outfits if I dare say so myself...:D

Group pic!
Taylor, Sarah L, ME, Brianna, Jordynn, Megan, & Lily at applebees! This night was a TON of fun! I ate & laughed more than I have in a looong time!:)

Found this in my friends van & had to share it!

LOL how wrong huh?!

Me & Mary!
I got such a BAD sunburn from this day but it was totally worth it! We went swimming & ate & shopped in one of my most favorite malls now!:) Had fun girls! Glad we went!
By the way, Mary is the only one that understands my Deep love for bread & starches! Haha!!

Trying on shoes!:)

Boy, do I have a story about this.. Lol! But let's just say..everyone got a "complimentary something" & all I got was the evil eye & CORN on my burrito!! ugh!! Haha!

Duck lips haha!

Like I said at the beginning, this week was slot of fun! Miss you guys already!

Just finished packing for my month-long-trip-away-from-my-comfy-bed!! Pray saints!! And no worries I didnt pack ALL of these..
I took out a couple of pairs! Hahaha!! Blog later!
Love, Cassia- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone
Where are ya going next?
Awww! That was SOOO fun! I miss you bunches! lol That day was a blast! Ha ha Aww why didn't u tell the Chipotle story?! That was the best part;)
Mary~ lol I am JUST seeing this comment haha! & the Chipotle story made me bitter so I decided not to share!;);)
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