Me & Tiffany on the bus!

This night was a night I will never forget in my entire life.:) God did a miracle once again and even if one may say it was small..I believe He gave it to me for a special reason! So I could share it!:) We attended an outside service in a town about an hour or so away from Guinea Grass where we were staying. The Hope Corps group got up to sing and we were singing one of my favorite songs in English called the "Revelation song". I was having a hard time giving it my all because my voice had been almost completely out for a fee days. One of the teachers/ministers told Matt who was directing us to sing it in Spanish right at that moment so He pointed to me and told me to sing it. Now I we had not practiced ANYTHING & I had no idea how I would have the voice to be able to sing it. As I began to sing my voice became perfectly normal and I could feel Gods anointing just saturating like hot oil pouring over my head...the people began to respond in such a great way that the choir went down to pray with them. God allowed me to sing this way for most of the altar call and then I went down to join my fellow hopers! A few minutes after I had been singing, my voice went back to being raspy again. Many told me they were praying for me and I believe it was only God that allowed me to be used so that someone could get a blessing. A few were filled with the Holy Ghost that night and many deeply touched! Thank you Jesus!! I know it was not me but only God.

Some of us girls praying together one night after the altar service & all were gone! Special times...love these girls:)

Bro baumeister teaching on altar working.

Cousins after praying:)

Kendra, little Abby, & Gentry!

Hope Corps singing one night! Powerful powerful powerful move of God!!! So blessed to be able to have been with so many anointed young people!
(Can you find me??:-p)

This service was the last service for all of us to be together! God moved in such a mighty way! Here are the people of the local church being prayed over by the ministers...Lord give them revival in the land!!! Pray for Belize!


This lady was so lost in worship that they actually had to pull her aside in between the pew:) it was so awesome & sweet!

Beautiful worship:)

Bro Cody Marks on the drums!:D

Ayoni, Haley, & Lupita!

Me & merriam! I miss her mucho!

A couple of the instructors & directors over Hope Corps! Bro. Erskin & Bro. Beaumeister!

Ayoni & I & Mr. President!:D jk

Lacrisha doing sign language to a boy in the church! So awesome!

Me drinking...*drumroll please*...
The best banana milkshake you will have in your entire life!!!! Amazing cooks:)

And here is the group! Blue crew! Hopers! My friends! Amazing people! Love them!
During this time in Belize I saw many lives transformed & changed! I witnessed miracles & happenings! I also saw the dedication & love the people have for God & the church. They give their all even when they may not have much. Everything is the church or built around the "church". Intense Prayer & worship without any thoughts of those around them is a main part of their services. I believe we can learn from many of these examples. Break out of our everyday norm & love & worship Him like nothing else in the world matters. I was impacted. THIS was lifechanging.
Love, Cassia
- Posted from Cassia Joy's iPhone
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