Coming into OKlahoma! Rolling hills that roll on & on!;)

Hm. New way to save seats! (yes the girl was barefoot lol)

Hee hee...

Lauren & Me!:)

Lauren, Me, & Jenny the first night!

Jenny & I

Mis amigas! I LOVE all these girlies:)

Karen, Holly, & I...miss my buddies so much!

Yes!! this is a story to be told lol!! Do not mess with Cassia!!:D Let's just say he ended up having whipped all over his face & down his suit.....oops:-/ lol

Ready for my graduation Thursday night:)
Graduation was a huuuuge thing for me! It has taken many hours & long nights to achieve this goal! For many of you who may not have known, I spent 9-10 months in an online course! I learned about the bible, leadership, character development, working with cultures, & our apostolic doctrine & SO much more! I will tell you that every day I spent studying & working to obtain this diploma was worth it all & I would do it all over again if I could! Every step of this journey my family has been supportive & God has worked out one miracle after another!! He has blessed me beyond measure since I chose to do Hope Corps & gave my life to it & the ministry! I know greater things are going to take place in the future because of all that has been planted in me!

You can barely make out our class on the very first two rows! See the "sea of blue"?
Btw all those pamphlets on the seats at PEAK? Ahem....yea that was sommme embarrassing work!!;) all apart of the team though!

Our graduating class! I was sure I was going to trip or fall...or surely pass out (my knees were giving out haha) but...I made it!!!!!:)

There I am!!

That was was the best feeling in the world....walking off the stage carrying my certificate knowing I had DONE IT!!!!!:D

I'll miss you hopers!:)

Sarah Anne & Gloriana manning the Hope Corps booth! Recruiters! Haha!

All the Hopers & one Croc!:))
Me, Kendra, Rebeca, Karen, Samantha, Gloriana, & Holly!

Terrible pic but the only one I got with my favorite friend & fellow hoper...kandice!:)

Kyle, me & Rebecca(I miss you my Kindred!)

Laughing together:)

Yea we know....gorgeous!:-p (this is for all those that have been hounding me about smiling with my braces!!! :))))) U know who you are!!)

Charity & I!!!!:) (I look sort of frazzled eh..? Ha!)

Awww my mom made this for my birthday:) I designed it!

It was so great to meet Victoria!! Kin to some good friends!!:) can't wait till WCC!!

My buddy Whitney:)

Angela, Whitney, Moree & I!

Friends!... the last night :-(
To all my Canadian buds! I shall be there soon!!! Hold the yummy food for me!;) miss yahll!

Hahaha this picture has so many memories! I love my twin Lauren! It was so great to stay with her, Jenny, & Courtney! Shout out to all my cribwiches!
PEAK was a great time for me to renew friendships & be involved in the altar working!
I am also so proud of all those that have signed up for hope corps! Stick with it & you will not regret it!
It will change your life...
It changed mine:)
Love, Cassia
- Posted iPhone
This Lauren friend of yours ... :) pretty lol
Michael~ sorry she is very taken :-p but yes she is gorgeous!
lol love the Nix girls they are so funny!
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